La Familia

Fernando Trocca

Fernando Trocca

We are passionate about food, but mainly about chefs and their stories and Fer is one of our favorites. For many the best chef of Argentina, for us a DOER...

Fernando Trocca

We are passionate about food, but mainly about chefs and their stories and Fer is one of our favorites. For many the best chef of Argentina, for us a DOER...

Joanna & Arianne

Joanna & Arianne

La Madre Tierra Should be Proud of Them! We met Joanna and Arianna, sisters and co-founders of The New Denim Project, through our HERMANO Marquitos (don't worry, you might be...

Joanna & Arianne

La Madre Tierra Should be Proud of Them! We met Joanna and Arianna, sisters and co-founders of The New Denim Project, through our HERMANO Marquitos (don't worry, you might be...



Our spiritual guru and guide.


Our spiritual guru and guide.